Thursday, September 12, 2013

Unexpected Encounter

While walking to my usual practice spot this evening, I passed the same homeless man I do every day. Every day he asks me for a dollar. I don't carry cash with me, so I can honestly say no to him. But what can a dollar do for a homeless man in a wheelchair with one leg who only travels backward? I've taken to carrying a protein bar with me during the day, but when I do, of course I don't see him. 
This particular evening while taking my usual route, I saw him wheeling down the street perpendicular to me. To avoid the situation, I ducked into one of the many learning centers on campus where a man stood in the lobby washing the windows.  Immediately he asked if I was ok, if I needed help, etc. I explained my situation to the man, and he like many others  knew of the man in the wheelchair. I feel awful, I explained. What could be done to help this man? His response: "Pray for the guy. He needs it."

Philadelphia - the city of brotherly love. 

No soundtrack for this one. Take a moment to be thankful for what you have, and pray for those who don't have the blessings you do.

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