Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Here we Go...

After keeping a pretty regular blog abroad, I have decided to continue writing here at "home" in Philly.  As a college student, the term home I find rather vague.  After class, I go home to my second floor apartment. My parents live at home - but a line begins to form between their home and mine. I won't even begin to go into the "homeland" interpretation. Some things to ponder there.

Some background on me. I grew up in a small town working in my family's restaurant, enjoying the outdoors as most of us in rural areas do. I love cooking, (which has proved very useful to both myself and the rest of the hungry people on my floor). I did well enough in high school to acquire a partial scholarship for the university I now attend, but instead of taking a more academic route, I decided to pursue my lifelong passion and study music. This shit is not easy.

So, in the next few months (maybe years, who knows at this point) this blog will serve as an outlet to tell some ridiculous North-Philly-style anecdotes, tidbits on my experiences in the city, and heaven knows what else. Stay tuned all. I like to write.

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